Weekly Drum Lesson: Table-Top Practice

Hello drummers!

In this video lesson, we're going to discuss practicing away from the drums.

This is, of course, a practical solution for those many occasions you find yourself with some free time but no drums and no sticks. But it's also a good idea to spend some time doing this when you're learning new music, even if your drum set is right there begging to be played. If you are struggling to fit your drum parts with the track, even though you're able to play the notes, this becomes an essential part of your overall practice plan.

So let's say you've mostly learned the beats and fills you need for a song, and now it's time to fit your parts with the music. First, we're going to just listen, and try to follow the drum part for the whole song. Can you more or less match up what you're hearing with the notes you've learned? 

Make sure you understand how the beats fit with the overall groove. 

Identify where the changes are, and maybe different cues that you can use to help you be prepared for these changes. Lyrics can be a huge help here. 

Now that you've finished listening to the song and understand how your drum part fits, tap your drumset rhythms on the table. Do your best to match your rhythms exactly to what you hear. And, don't allow yourself to play ahead or behind the beat. Make a note of the spots you tend to rush, or slow down. We want to be perfectly in sync with the backing track.

Plan to spend up to 15 minutes studying and practicing your music this way. I think you'll find it really makes a difference in your awareness and your timing as you play along with your backing tracks. 

If you have any questions or comments, please comment below, and of course, like, and subscribe. That's all for now, thanks for watching!

If you found this video helpful, please consider signing up for in-person Drum Lessons. If you're not in the Toronto area, I also teach private lessons online. Book a FREE TRIAL LESSON by filling out the contact form below.

Jeff Butterfield